
AMISOM helps put out Mogadishu market fire

Publish Date: Jan 28, 2012

African Union (AU) troops deployed in Somalia Wednesday evening helped put out a fire that gutted Mogadishu’s Hamar Weyne market.
The hungry fire that threatened to devour the entire market was finally put out, preventing it from spreading to surrounding residential and business areas.
In response to calls for assistance from Somali authorities and traders, AMISOM troops sent two fire-fighting trucks and personnel to help bring down the fire which had started been alive for about six hours.
It is reported the blaze started near the fruit section of the market. 
Twelve infantry fighting vehicles and fifty soldiers were deployed to support the TFG police and the military in securing the premises and to block looters from taking advantage of the situation.
Force Commander, Maj. Gen. Fred Mugisha regretted the incident.
He sympathized with the traders who lost their goods during the unfortunate episode.
“Though we are grateful that no lives were lost to the fire, AMISOM is saddened by this setback for the traders in Mogadishu,” he said.
Markets and businesses have reopened in Mogadishu following the expulsion of the al-Shabaab terror group from the capital last year by the TFG military with the support of AMISOM.

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